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Blood Collection Services at Home in Patna

Dr Shukla pathlab
 Blood Collection Services at Home in Patna

It’s now easier to get your blood tests and check-ups without going outdoors. COVID-19 has made the world a smaller place, and there are lots of people that prefer not to step outside unless it is important. The Blood Collection Services at Home give them the comfort of their homes and privacy while they still get the same level of service that they can get if they go to a lab or hospital.

Let us have a look at some factors that make an online booking for a blood test a norm now.

  1. Access: It is easier to draw blood at home and send it to the pathology lab. Our qualified phlebotomists will be at your doorstep for sample collection in no time. Why endure the discomfort and expense of visiting a doctor's office or hospital when you can get your test done from the comfort of your own home? At Mediclinics, we have a dedicated team of health professionals to guide you through the process of getting your blood samples collected.
  2. Safety: At Shukla Pathlabs, all our phlebotomists are highly skilled and well trained at what they do. They are professionally qualified and ensure utmost safety and maintain strict hygiene protocols while executing the procedures.
  3. Comfort: The blood sample collection from home is especially beneficial for the elderly, bed-ridden, patients recovering post-surgery, and chronically ill patients. We are very flexible with the timings and understand your schedule and for that, we collect samples from early in the morning to all day long as per your comfort.
  4. Convenience: You are empowered to book an appointment as per your convenience and time. Along with your blood, our phlebotomists collect another biological sample safely from your home. The blood samples can be collected also on Sundays.
  5. Online report Collection- You can get your test reports online via email within 24-28 hours of the sample collection. This is an extremely convenient facility that provides you peace of mind that you won’t have to go to the lab every time you have to give your sample or receive your reports.

Online booking for blood tests is a convenient, easy and fast way to receive treatment in clinics and hospitals. Many private labs are now allowing patients the option to get their blood tests done right at home rather than wait in long queues during hospital hours.

Dr Shukla pathlab
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