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titanium sheet grade 5

titanium sheet grade 5

Chlor-alkali industry is an titanium sheet grade 5 important basic raw material industry, its production and development had a great influence on the national economy. This is because the three-dimensional titanium wire of chloride ion corrosion resistance is superior to the commonly used stainless steel and other non-ferrous metals. Currently widely used in chlor-alkali industry three-dimensional titanium silk to make metal anode electrolyzer and ionic membrane electrolyzer, wet chlorine cooler, refined brine preheater, chlorine, chlorine gas cooling scrubber tower, etc. The main parts of these devices in the past with non-metallic materials such as graphite, PVC, etc.), as a result of the nonmetal material mechanical properties, thermal stability and processing performance is not ideal, causing heavy equipment, large energy consumption, short service life, and affect the product titanium plate gr7 quality and environmental pollution. Therefore, our country since the 70 s, started to use the metal anode electrolyzer for graphite electrolyzer and ionic membrane electrolyzer, with three-dimensional titanium silk wet chlorine cooler instead of graphite cooler, has achieved good effect.

For example: three-dimensional titanium silk the titanium exhaust tubing application of wet chlorine cooler. Salt electrolytic production of caustic soda is to produce a large number of high temperature humidity chlorine gas, the temperature is in commonly 75 ~ 95 ℃, need after cooling and drying to use. Before preparing chlorine salt electrolysis production in China, because of unreasonable cooling process, or for cooling equipment corrosion problems affected the chlorine gas yield and quality, but also seriously pollutes the environment. Resistance to high temperature humidity chlorine corrosion of three-dimensional titanium silk cooler into production, changed the face of preparing chlorine production in chlor-alkali industry. Three-dimensional titanium wire in the high temperature humidity in the environment of chlorine corrosion, three-dimensional titanium wire of chlorine 6al4v titanium bar in water at room temperature, corrosion rate is 0.000565 mm/a. At 80 ℃ of chloride in water, 3 d the corrosion rate of titanium wire is 0.00431 mm/a. In wet chlorine gas containing 95%, normal temperature three-dimensional the corrosion rate of titanium wire is 0.00096 mm/a. Many were often used for three-dimensional titanium silk wet chlorine gas cooler, some of which have been used for nearly 20 years, is still intact.

Soda ash is one of the most basic chemical raw materials, it is directly related to the development of the national economy. Soda ash production process, the gas medium of NH3 and CO2, liquid medium for NaCl, NH4Cl, NH4HCO3 and Cl - concentration higher solution, using carbon steel, cast iron material for reaction of carbonate carbonation tower tubular cooler, cooler, crystallization, thermal mother liquor main body devices such as external cooler, are not corrosion resistance, and corrosion leakage is serious, the service life of no more than three years. Factory) in 1975-1977, tianjin and dalian nickel titanium wire chemical industry company to build the three-dimensional titanium silk to demonstrate the application work, carbonation tower cooling pipe 63 x 2 mm, 3 d titanium plate heat exchanger, the three dimensional titanium wire outer cooler, the three dimensional titanium silk turbine compressor rotor pump, CO2, Ti 6 al 4 v alloy impeller has a good application effect, such as that for the whole industry technical transformation and new construction with three-dimensional titanium silk three annual output of 600000 tons of soda plant has played a model role.

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