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Importance of Liners and Other Water-Craft in Maritime Transport

Shank International Pte Ltd
Importance of Liners and Other Water-Craft in Maritime Transport

Cargo transportation by sea has been widely used throughout the past and is being used in the present day as well. Although the introduction of aviation has lessened the sea travel for passengers, it is still the preferred mode of transport for short pleasure trips and joy cruises. Transportation by sea route is cheaper than air transport and accounts approximately about 80% of international trade.

While widespread inland shipping is less significant today, the major waterways of the world including many canals are still very vital and are integral parts of global economy. Although any object or material can be transported by water route, it sometimes turns out to be not so viable when the delivery is time critical. In spite of certain drawbacks, water transport is no doubt highly cost effective.

Water transport vehicles or vessels as they are generally called are basically eminent by the propulsion, size or cargo type that they carry. While some water craft still use wind power, some smaller craft use small built in engines to run the propellers, inboard water jet etc. some water crafts such as the hovercraft, are propelled by large pusher-propelled fans by which the craft carries out its motion on the air cushion that is formed.

A liner has a regular schedule to run and operate on, which hence require a better equipment to deal with adverse conditions like bad weather and so on. Higher powered than tramp ships consisting of better sea keeping qualities, they are a lot more expensive to be built. Liners are normally built for passenger and cargo operations and have a fixed schedule and go whenever a suitable cargo has to take off.

Large carriers and some travel ships are built to operate in this manner. Liners are usually sturdily built with a high level of hardness to withstand rough seas and adverse conditions. Equipped to handle large requirements of fuel, food and other consumables on long voyages, they constitute the main aspect of most of the passenger transport and Ship Management companies.

Nowadays cruise ships are mostly preferred by people who still have a love of the sea and on the other hand have more amenities than the previous passenger ships. The contemporary merchant ships can be mainly classified as Bulk carriers or cargo ships that transport bulk cargo and can be acknowledged by the large box-like hatches. In this aspect Shank International Group provides marine services in general to the Shipping community.

Shank international competency in the offshore and marine industry and the in-depth technical knowledge backed up by an outstanding track record, has enabled to serve leading offshore, marine shipyard and shipbuilding companies in and around Singapore at a global level. Together with pleasure boats and yachts, Shank International has been serving the Marine Industry by providing the best available support services pertaining to marine industry.

Emphasizing on customer satisfaction catering to needs and requirements, the organization is committed to providing the best assistance to its esteemed customers. From supplying equipments, spare parts, and stores to vessels and many offshore platforms, responding quickly to the customer’s needs shank international has been a trusted associate to in the offshore and marine supply market.

To Learn About More Details On Marine Transportation Services Please Come And Visit Our Website..!

Shank International Pte Ltd
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