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Ship Management; An Essential Segment of Maritime Service

Shank International Pte Ltd
Ship Management; An Essential Segment of Maritime Service

The activity of flawless organization and management of marine vessels like ship and other similar water transport vehicles is termed as ship management. Ship management is usually assigned to Ship Management Companies owing to the practical difficulties involved in ship management. Ships and other similar vessels sail across oceans and seas for a number of days at a stretch, since these are comprised of complex machinery; it obviously requires proper looking after because in case any vessel lacks sufficient maintenance actions, it can result in the breakdown of the equipment which could lead to many unpleasant repercussions.

In order to cope up with this, companies that generally has a good number of ship in its fleet, hand over the fleet management to ship management companies. Ships that are constantly in voyages frequently require to be manned by a proficient crew, who need to comply with international travel regulations. The competencies of the crew members must align with the travel requisites must posses’ skillsets that are necessary.

This apart ship management also includes maritime traffic administration and management, the registration of ships with the authorities. Visa of ship crew, entering and leaving the port especially foreign vessels, and several other technical ship management activities. In order to help with the management of the vessels, the use maritime software and a planned maintenance system becomes inevitable, however the use of these maritime automation systems streamline processes and ensure efficiency.

Ship management companies also pay a keen attention on critical parameters of ships and other vessels such as position or location, speed in knots, heading towards direction, weather conditions, host load capacity and loads, auxiliary machinery and other miscellaneous aspects like oil, water distribution and so on. This information is collected and analysed through satellite communications and computer technology which assists in improving the accessibility and accuracy.

In this regard ship management companies like Shank international provides first class marine services to international ship possessors, other organizations and individuals who own chartered ships and boats, offshore companies and similar private parties who own pleasure boats and yacht. Having been serving the marine industry sector in all arenas, offering support services Shank international’s dedicated team of professionals, are committed to providing the best services to clients at the most competitive rates.

Totally emphasizing on customers satisfaction and catering to the customer’s needs and requirements ever since the inception in 1994, the company was re-incorporated as Shank International Pte Ltd in the year 2000. As a part of expansion and updating of services, Shank International Pte Ltd has added critical services like marine Surveys and inspection Services, marine fabrication and other marine engineering services, marine transportation and marine material transportation.

To Learn About More Details On Ship Management Company Please Come And Visit Our Website..!

Shank International Pte Ltd
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