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ECommerce in Publishing: 3 Main Priority Things You Need to do For Growth in 2022

epublisher world
ECommerce in Publishing: 3 Main Priority Things You Need to do For Growth in 2022

To get ECommerce in Publishing right on your website, there are 3 priority things you need to do to get the most out of eCommerce in Publishing.

1) Understand shopper behavior

While there’s a lot of talk about e-books and their continued dominance, physical books will still be on sale and many people still prefer to hold a book rather than an electronic device. The reality is that both forms of publishing will continue to exist — and it’s vital you understand what drives shoppers’ behavior.

The reason is simple: understanding your customers is key if you’re going to succeed. By learning as much as possible about your customers (as well as their buying habits) you’ll be able to cater content and offers better, which can translate into more sales for your publishing business. In 2022, it’s important that we have a deeper understanding of how our buyers behave online because e-commerce needs publishers at its side for success in future years.

2) Optimize for speed

Speed is critical when it comes to ecommerce, and speed is something you have control over. If you are looking to grow your online sales, start by optimizing for speed. Even a two-second delay between visitors clicking a link and seeing your web page can result in lost conversions.

When you optimize for speed, there will be clear winners amongst tools like Amazon Web Services, Shopify or BigCommerce — or you could go for an all-inclusive platform like Elasticbox that gives you multiple options at once, so that your business doesn’t get tied up waiting for updates. Either way, any investment made on improving site performance can bring huge returns as online commerce continues its incredible growth trajectory.

3) Invest in trust, security and service

If you’re building an online store, invest early and often on trust, security and service. Your store is a direct reflection of your brand, and if it isn’t trusted by customers or doesn’t look good, it can be difficult to convert them into paying customers. Investing in these things will help ensure that your stores are successful both now and in future years.

The recommendations here focus on building trust through offering secure payment options that offer customers peace of mind with their purchases. By establishing strong relationships with partners such as Shopify or Squarespace (who provide ready-made ecommerce solutions), you’re also able to get professional advice on how best to set up your store for success long term.

epublisher world
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