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12 Things to Know About Online Magazines vs News Apps

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12 Things to Know About Online Magazines vs News Apps

News App vs. online magazine

Smartphones and other mobile devices captivate people nowadays. They want all required information readily available.

Online magazines offer consumers with a solid source of amusement that meets their demands.

Incorporating a mobile app into a company’s operations is common for any organisation that values maintaining an online presence, regardless of the industry. In addition, new news apps are being produced, which increases online publications.

If you currently have an online magazine and desire more readers, you’ll need a news app to attract more visitors and remain relevant in the present competitive business.

Percentage of mobile website traffic globally from 1Q15 to 2Q22 | Statista

Smartphones produced 52.2% of the world’s website traffic in 2018, according to Statista. The percentage has climbed during the last year.

An online publisher must employ mobile optimization to enhance consumer experiences.

Almost every newspaper has a mobile app to service current subscribers and attract new ones. News apps employ virtual ads to enhance organisations.

Magazines have introduced a seamless, fantastic reading experience for mobile app users.

Why your company needs a news app

New income-generating approach

Digital magazines receive money from subscriptions, premium content, and ads. Subscribers or readers affect revenue.

In the smartphone era, news apps might become a new income source. People utilise news applications to get relevant, high-quality content.

Remember that readers shun banner ads. Readers are more interested in news content than pop-up ads, so avoid them.

News apps offer a nice experience for users while showing ads in a helpful and unobtrusive manner, so they can keep focused on the stories they’re reading.

Apps dominate browsing

Nearly 85% of consumers favour shopping apps over mobile browsers, so news apps and digital magazines may profit from the same movement.

Mobile applications are more convenient, simpler to use, and quicker, according to a Compuware survey. Therefore, news app advantages.

Great UI

A news app’s UI is beautiful and easy to use. This interface lets users refine their searches, highlight portions, and bookmark items for later.

News apps may include more intriguing features. We display you published articles and audio, video, and image data.

Easy news report customization. The app’s home screen should always feature the latest news.

If your news app has a slick UI and fascinating stories, people will love it.

2023 digital publishing trends Know

Reader-focused, individualised

Marketers may now target their ads using a number of technologies. Most news websites don’t provide this category choice. A news app may monitor user behaviour and preferences to adjust content display.

If you follow the major publishing firms, you’ll discover their news applications are mobile-optimized webpages. You must get a high-performing app to compete.

Use machine learning and user input to make your news app distinctive. Readers comment on feed articles.


Each user may pick between an electronic and hard copy magazine. If the online magazine is also a news app, subscribers can receive push notifications for breaking news.

Users may utilise this feature. These updates to a news app will attract more users.

Improved UX

Ads, movies, graphics, pop-ups, stories, and more may build up rapidly on news websites, making it hard to concentrate for more than a few seconds. This may annoy site visitors. A news app helps you maximise screen space.

By segmenting a congested newsfeed, you can focus on enhancing the user experience.

Convenient ( navigation)

Magazines aim to give readers with current, relevant information. Users may pick from pre-made groups in the news app.

Content from all niches is consolidated. News applications help users to rapidly access live videos and breaking news by emphasising these elements.


Daily app usage and repeat visits suggest a dedicated user.

News applications enable users to pick and bookmark favourites, rate stories, access exclusive articles, play games, contribute content, and earn rewards and loyalty points.

Social networking

Let’s treat magazine readers as loyal clients. If you want to build your news app’s user base, concentrate on social media.

Social media promotion may boost app downloads and engagement. Some news apps let users post content on social media.

As a consequence, subscribers and magazine sales rise.

Provide diverse content

A news app, like social media, offers video and audio reports. One app lets you view documentaries, business analysis, and political dialogues. Digital fashion magazines should provide Fashion Week commentary and makeup how-tos.

Users may experience events in VR instead of a static app. Virtual reality (VR) lets viewers feel like they’re in a sports contest, conflict, or protest.

24/7 News

Social media posts need internet connectivity.

Include a download capability in your news app so users may view stories offline. This offline news access enables users to read anywhere.

Answer reader questions.

Many news organisations have a reader-relations staff. Several media enterprises can’t hire due to finances.

A news app supports everyone like a community centre. The app’s main screen displays agency information, FAQs, and premium services.

Students may fill out a form to report issues, express concerns, or offer ideas.

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