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How To Manifest Positive Energy

Life Of Gaia
How To Manifest Positive Energy

It is certainly challenging to stay hopeful and at peace amid all the negativity surrounding us every day. But as humans, it is key to learn to adapt and accustom ourselves to the ever-changing ways of life. Conquering problems and challenges by radiating positive energy is a terrific way to not only survive but thrive!

People are naturally attracted to someone who makes them feel at ease. While being “a ray of sunshine” may be effortless for some for others it requires a little more work.


Manifesting and creating positive energy is certainly possible with a little practice and commitment. Changing our mindset to something we are not accustomed to is not always easy, but as we slowly start to integrate more positivity into our lives, we also start to create more positive circumstances around us, that in turn make us feel good.

Here are some actionable tips to channel and manifest positive energy:

Practice Gratitude

Practice Gratitude 


Gratitude is one of the most significant ways to manifest positivity. When you appreciate things, regardless of how trivial or mundane they are, our body releases an oxytocin hormone in charge of making us feel fulfilled and happy. Expressing appreciation, the moment you open your eyes in the morning creates a positive mindset that sets a positive trajectory for the rest of the day.

Plan Your Day Ahead of Time


Before you go to sleep at night, visualize how you would want the following day to unfold. List the things you want to see happening, especially those that inspire your creativity and motivation. Make a plan that is achievable for that particular day. Completing tasks always establishes positive feelings of fulfillment and productivity.


Life Of Gaia
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