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The Science Behind Sound Healing

Life Of Gaia

Sound has always been healing and exists in many frequencies throughout nature. This is why you might find yourself winding down to relax on a sofa after a day when it has rained all day. You can find a sense of calm coming to your entire being after spending time at a retreat in a forest, hearing the wind move through the trees and the chatter of insects.

Sound has always been known to heal us, whether it be hearing a favorite sad song of ours or the voice of a dear friend on a bad day. Sound is a tool used in the world by nature and deliberately by humans to alter the state of mind. Sound healing works on the principle that everything in the world has a vibration. This vibration is then used to influence the situation at hand. When it comes to why this happens, we must look toward science.

How Does Sound Heal Our Body? 

To understand how sound heals us, we must understand how our body works. Our existence is a gathering of our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that occur as interactions between our neurons. These groups of neurons then interact together in unison to create electrical pulses that are known to become different brain waves. These brain waves are divided into different bandwidths, out of which five are mainly known.

These different bandwidths triggered deliberately can then relax the body and bring it to different resting states. This is where sound becomes relevant because it has the power to trigger these reactions with its vibrations. This is something that ancient monks and yogis already knew. In their traditions sound was also known to have the power to bring chaos into order. READ MORE...

Life Of Gaia
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