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The Mystery of the Osun-Osogbo Sacred Grove in Nigeria

Life Of Gaia
The Mystery of the Osun-Osogbo Sacred Grove in Nigeria

The mysterious Osun-Osogbo Sacred Grove is a landmass covering about 75 hectares of land and is dedicated to the Osun goddess of fertility. Located in Osogbo, a city in Osun State in Nigeria, Africa, this forest area is home to various sacred shrines devoted to different deities in Yoruba land. The area is considered sacred with a connection of different spiritual paths that link the major divisions together. The area seems perfectly created for sacred rituals as the Osun river cuts across the area and gives an ambiance of spiritual presence. There used to be similar popular places for rituals in Yoruba land but over time most of them were converted and only a few remain, the most important being the Osun-Osogbo Sacred Grove. It is for this reason that it was declared a World Heritage site by UNESCO in 2005 and stands out as one out of the two World Heritage sites in Nigeria at present.

The Osun Osogbo Sacred Grove is believed to house about forty shrines spread across the various parts of the forest and representing several different deities. The sacred nature of the grove makes it an attractive place for spiritual practices. As a sacred area, such activities as farming, hunting, and fishing are highly prohibited and only traditional healers are allowed to gather plants that grow there for use in their practices. The grove gets several visits per year from both the Yoruba worshipers who are consistent in their local worship and those who visit the place as a tourist center. Rituals are performed at the different shrines regularly by ardent worshippers of the different deities. There are many varieties of wild animals present in the forest area and they continue to increase in their numbers due to the banning of hunting activities and any form of disturbance from external influence.

History of the Osun-Osogbo Sacred Grove

There are several folktales connected to the origin of the Osun-Osogbo sacred grove. However, what is certain is that its history is highly connected to the history of the Yoruba culture and traditional religion in general. In Yoruba land, there is a belief in a supreme being, Olodumare, and several deities through which the people worship Olodumare. The people call the deities Orisa and attribute titles of different activities to them, for example, Orisa of thunder, Orisa of fertility, and so on. One of the myths tells the story of a group of people who came to live there as their permanent settlement and carried out all their activities very close to the river area. They were suddenly disrupted during one of their tree-cutting adventures when the voice of the goddess of Osun echoed and asked them to leave the land. They obeyed and moved to higher settlements and only came back around the area for worship and ritual purposes, thus, making the place a sacred area. READ MORE...  

Life Of Gaia
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