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Sheet Metal Process introduction

Sheet Metal Process introduction

The process of sheet metal fabrication involves several steps, including design, cutting, bending, welding, and finishing. The design phase involves creating a blueprint or drawing of the product, which is then used to guide the cutting and shaping of the metal. Cutting is typically done using computer-controlled machines like laser cutters or water jets, which ensure precise cuts every time. Bending is done using press brakes or rollers to create the desired shape, and welding is used to join multiple pieces of metal together. The finishing phase involves polishing, painting, or coating the metal to protect it from corrosion and improve its appearance.

1, cutting material: refers to the material through the shearing machine to obtain a rectangular workpiece process.

2. Blanking: refers to the process of cutting the workpiece by LASER or CNC punching machine.

3, blanking: refers to the process of using the mold to process the shape of the product on the ordinary punch or other equipment.

4, punching: refers to the workpiece by ordinary punching machine and mold processing process.

5, bending: refers to the workpiece formed by the bending machine process.

6, forming: refers to the process of using the mold to deform the workpiece on the ordinary punching machine or other equipment.

7, hole extraction: also called "flanging", refers to the process of using a mold to form a round hole edge on the workpiece in an ordinary punch or other equipment.

8, tapping: refers to the process of machining internal threads on the workpiece.

9, reaming: refers to the process of using a drill or milling cutter to process small holes on the workpiece into large holes.

10, countersunk hole: refers to the process of machining taper holes on the workpiece in order to cooperate with a type of connection similar to countersunk screws.

11. Press riveting: refers to the process of using a press or hydraulic press to firmly press riveting nuts, riveting screws, or riveting nut columns and other fasteners on the workpiece

12. Riveting: refers to the process of sinking the workpiece first, and then using a punch or hydraulic press to firmly press the riveting nut on the workpiece.

13, pulling: refers to the use of a similar riveting process. The process of securely attaching joints such as rivet nuts (pops) to workpieces with a broach gun.

14, pull riveting: refers to the process of closely connecting two or more workpieces with a pull a riveting gun as a tool.

15, riveting: The process of connecting two or more workpieces face to face with rivets, if the countersunk riveting, the workpiece needs to be countersunk first.

16, punching convex bag: refers to the process of forming a convex shape of the workpiece with a die in the punching press or hydraulic press.

17, punching tear: also called "punching bridge", refers to the process of forming the workpiece like a bridge with a die in the punching press or hydraulic press.

18, printing: refers to the use of mold on the workpiece out of the text, symbols, or other imprinting process.

19, cutting Angle: refers to the process of cutting the workpiece Angle using the mold on the punch or hydraulic press.

20, punching mesh: refers to the ordinary punching machine or CNC punching machine with a mold on the workpiece out of the mesh hole.

21, patting: refers to the transition of a certain shape of the workpiece to the process of leveling.

22, drilling: refers to the process of drilling the workpiece using the drill on the drilling machine or milling machine.

23, chamfering: refers to the use of the mold, file, grinding machine, and other sharp corners of the workpiece processing process.

24, leveling: refers to the process of uneven workpiece processing before and after the use of other equipment to smooth the workpiece.

25, back teeth: refers to the process of repairing the second screw of the workpiece with teeth in advance.

26, Paste protective film: refers to the process of using a film to protect the surface of the workpiece.

27, tear protective film: refers to the cleaning process of the workpiece surface protection film.

28, shape: refers to the process of adjusting the workpiece that has been processed.

29, heat shrinkage: refers to the use of heating equipment (heat gun, oven) to cover the workpiece of the plastic tightening process.

30. Labeling: refers to the process of attaching the label to the specified position of the workpiece.

31, wire drawing: refers to the use of a wire drawing machine and sand belt on the workpiece surface of a grain treatment process.

32, polishing: refers to the use of polishing equipment on the surface of the workpiece bright treatment process.

33, heat treatment: refers to the process of special treatment to improve the hardness of the workpiece.

34, deburring: refers to the process of sheet metal processing of the workpiece, with a sander, file, and other tools to remove the raw edge of the workpiece, so that the workpiece processing is a smooth and smooth process.

35, argon arc welding: refers to the workpiece and the workpiece connection by the argon arc welding machine at the edge of the workpiece or joint welding process. Which is divided into intermittent welding, full welding, etc., to be clearly marked on the drawing.

36, welding: also known as: "spot welding", refers to the process of welding the workpiece face to face by the welding machine.

37, plant welding: refers to the process of using a plant welding gun to firmly weld the welding screw on the workpiece.

38, welding and grinding: mainly refers to the use of grinding machines, files, and other tools to make the workpiece welding scar smooth, smooth process.

39, pre-treatment: refers to the workpiece sheet metal processing is completed, before painting or spraying powder, with the electrolytic solution to the workpiece for oil removal, rust removal, and increase the surface coating of the workpiece (such as phosphating film) and cleaning process.

40, scraping: refers to the use of atomic ash to make up for the surface of the workpiece defects such as welding gaps or pits of the process.

41, scraping grinding: mainly refers to the use of the flat grinding machine or emery cloth for the workpiece after scraping, and surface polishing process.

42, oil injection: refers to the process of using a special spray gun to spray paint evenly on the surface of the workpiece.

43, powder spraying: refers to the use of spray gun powder evenly sprayed on the surface of the workpiece process.

44, screen printing: refers to the process of using special ink to penetrate a special grid to form text or patterns on the surface of the workpiece.

45, plating: refers to the process of plating a layer of metal on the surface of the workpiece for the protection or beauty of the workpiece.

46, oxidation: refers to the process of forming an oxide film on the surface of the workpiece for the protection or beauty of the workpiece.

47, sandblasting: refers to the process of sandblasting the surface of the workpiece

47, assembly: refers to the process of assembling more than two workpieces together.

48, packaging: refers to the process of protecting the workpiece and facilitating transportation.

49, other: break difference, extraction (die), back pressure, extraction teeth (tapping after extraction), salad (countersink) through the hole

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