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CNC machine proporties

CNC machine proporties

CNC machine tool is a typical mechatronics product, is a set of modern machinery manufacturing technology, automatic control technology, detection technology, and computer information technology in one of the high efficiency, high precision, high flexibility, and high automation of modern machining equipment. Like other mechatronics products, it is also composed of a mechanical body, a power source, an electronic control unit, a sensing part, and an execution machine. Servo system, composition. The main properties of CNC machining:

1. Strong applicability to parts processing

Different parts can be processed by changing the processing program, which is especially suitable for the characteristics of various varieties, small batches, and fast product updates.

2. High level of automation

In general, except for loading and unloading parts. Most of the other processing processes are automatically completed by the machine tool, which greatly reduces the labor intensity of the workers.

3. Stable processing quality

During the processing process, the machine tool works under the specified control instructions from beginning to end, eliminating the influence of the operator's technical level and emotional changes on the processing quality, so the processing quality is stable and the size of a batch of parts is good.

4, high productivity

The range of spindle speed and feed rate of the CNC machine tool is large, which allows the machine tool to carry out strong cutting of large cuts. Also on the machining center. Due to the use of the knife library. It can realize the continuous processing of multiple processes on a machine tool, greatly reducing the processing time and auxiliary time of the parts, so the productivity is high.

5, conducive to the modernization of production management

CNC machine tools use digital signals and standard codes as control information, easy to realize the standardization of processing information, and have been organically combined with computer-aided design and manufacturing CNC/CAM, is the basis of modern integrated manufacturing technology.

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