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The Coolest Woodworking Cutting Board Ever?

Ruth True
The Coolest Woodworking Cutting Board Ever?

Perceive how one carpenter transformed a possibly commonplace venture into a masterpiece

Let's be honest: in case you're a practiced carpenter, a cutting board configuration isn't actually the most energizing of ventures to create. That is except if you're Canadian skilled worker Scott Lewis. Lewis—who likewise moonlights as a video maker—builds an enormous cutting board enhanced with excellent meeting bends of differentiating woods in this self-created video.

By joining a switch, bearing guided pieces, and a bandsaw, Lewis can pull off a head-scratching plan with no sweat. In case you're looking for a touch of carpentry motivation, look no further. You've thought that it was directly here. This cutting board configuration is as wonderful to take a gander at as it is fulfilling to make.

(hotspot for the 3/4-in. fluting bit used to make the finger grasps)

Ruth True
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